BC337 Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) NPN


BC337 is a general purpose NPN transistor. It has a maximum gain of 630. BC337 is commonly used in low power audio applications. It can also be used to switch loads of upto 45 V and 800 mA.


BC337 is a general purpose NPN transistor. It has a maximum gain of 630. Mostly used in low power audio applications. It can also be used to switch loads of up to 45 V and 800 mA.


Configuration of the BC337 Bipolar Junction Transistor pins

Pin No.  Pin Name Description
1 Collector Current flows in through collector and this pin is normally connected to load.
2 Base Turns ON or OFF the transistor.
3 Emitter Current Drains out through emitter and this pin is normally connected to ground.



  • It is a general Purpose NPN Amplifier Transistor
  • It has a current Gain of 100 to 630
  • Has a continuous Collector current of 800 mA
  • Also has a collector Emitter voltage of 45 V
  • In addition has a collector Base voltage of 50 V
  • Moreover, has emitter Base Voltage  of 5 V
  • Lastly, has transition Frequency of 100 MHz


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